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The Saudi Company for Advanced Industries announces inviting its shareholders to attend the Ordinary General Assembly meeting (first meeting)

  • Date : 2020-10-06
item Clarification
an introduction The Board of Directors of Saudi Advanced Industries is pleased to invite the valued shareholders to attend the meeting of the General Assembly (the first meeting) to be held at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday 1442/03/11, 2020/10/28 A.D., through modern technology using a trading system in Riyadh, and on the basis of the financial market authority’s circular to hold the associations of listed joint stock companies through modern technology remotely using the trading system and suspending their attendance until further notice. This is in order to ensure the safety of the customers in the financial market and to support the efforts and preventive measures by the competent and relevant health authorities to address the new Corona virus (COVID-19), and as an extension of the continuous efforts of all government agencies in Saudi Arabia in taking the necessary preventive measures to prevent its spread, while wishing you health and safety.
City and venue of the General Assembly The company’s headquarters – in Riyadh, by using modern technology
Link to the venue of the meeting https://goo.gl/maps/De9bvZE2pte2Lfxx7
The date of the General Assembly 1442-03-11 corresponding to 2020-10-28
Time of the General Assembly 18:30
Right to attend Each shareholder of the shareholders registered in the company’s shareholders register at the Depository Center at the end of the trading session preceding the assembly meeting, registering electronic attendance and voting using the deliberative system at the assembly meeting, according to the rules and regulations.
The quorum required for the assembly to convene The Ordinary General Assembly meeting is valid if attended by shareholders representing at least a quarter of the capital. If the quorum required for holding this meeting is not available, the second meeting will be held one hour after the end of the period specified for the first meeting, and the second meeting will be valid regardless of the number of shares represented in it.
Assembly agenda Voting on the formation of the Audit Committee, defining its tasks, work controls, and remuneration for its members for the new session, starting from the date of the assembly meeting 11/03/1442 AH corresponding to 10/28/2020 AD until the end of the session on 02/03/1445 AH corresponding to 09/16/2023 AD, noting that the candidates (whose biographies are attached) Subjectivity) they are:




Mr. Turki bin Muhammad Al-Beez (Non-Executive Board Member)


Mr. Khaled bin Muhammad Al-Muammar (Independent Board Member)


Mr. Muhammad bin Farhan Al Nader (Member from outside the Board)

Power of attorney form
Electronic voting Note that the shareholders registered in the Tadawulati services will be able to vote remotely on the assembly’s items starting at 10 a.m. on Saturday 03/07/1442 AH corresponding to 10/24/2020 AD until the end of the assembly time, and registration and voting in my trading services will be available and free for all shareholders using The following link: www.tadawulaty.com.sa


(The guideline is attached)

Eligibility to register attendance and vote Each shareholder who is registered in the Company’s Shareholders Register at the Depository Center has the right to register online attendance and vote using the deliberative system at the Society’s meeting according to the rules and regulations. Note that the eligibility to register attendance at the assembly meeting ends at the time of the assembly and the right to vote on the assembly’s items for the attendees ends when the counting committee finishes counting the votes.
Communication method In the event of an inquiry, we hope to contact the Shareholders Relations Department (phone number 0114105589/0114789840


Or on the following email: saiccom@saic.com.sa