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The Saudi Company for Advanced Industries announces the interim financial results for the period ending on 30-09-2020 (nine months)

  • Date : 2020-11-04
item Current quarter The same quarter of the previous year the change% Previous quarter the change %
Sales / revenue 9.59 13.59 -29.433 6.71 42.921
Total profit (loss) 9.59 13.59 -29.433 6.71 42.921
Operating profit (loss) 7.78 11.79 -34.011 4.95 57.171
Net profit (loss) after zakat and tax 7.5 11.5 -34.782 4.7 59.574
Total comprehensive income 37.12 -22.21 41.97 -11.555
All figures are in (million) Saudi riyals



item Current period The corresponding period of the previous year the change%
Sales / revenue 27.03 39.71 -31.931
Total profit (loss) 27.03 39.71 -31.931
Operating profit (loss) 21.41 32.97 -35.062
Net profit (loss) after zakat and tax 20.55 31.99 -35.761
Total comprehensive income 32.87 7.02 368.233
Total Shareholder Equity (after excluding minority interests) 819.69 788.65 3.935
Earning (loss) per share 0.41 0.64
All figures are in (million) Saudi riyals



item Clarification
The reason for the increase (decrease) in net profit during the current quarter compared to the same quarter of the previous year is due to The reason for the decrease in net profit during the current quarter compared to the same quarter of the previous year is due to:

– The decrease in revenues due to the decrease in the company’s share of the profits of associates, the decrease in dividends earned due to the current conditions as a result of the Corona pandemic, the increase in the estimated Zakat, the decrease in financing costs and the increase in other revenues during the current quarter compared to the same quarter of the previous year.

The reason for the increase (decrease) in net profit during the current quarter compared to the previous quarter is due to The reason for the increase in net profit during the current quarter compared to the previous quarter is due to:

– Increase in revenues due to the increase in dividends earned, the decrease in the company’s share of profits of associates, and the decrease in other income during the current quarter compared to the previous quarter.

The reason for the increase (decrease) in net profit during the current period compared with the same period of the previous year is due to The reason for the decrease in net profit during the current period compared to the same period of the previous year is due to:

– The decrease in revenues due to the decrease in the company’s share of the profits of associates, the decrease in dividends earned due to the current conditions as a result of the Corona pandemic, the increase in the estimated Zakat, the decrease in general and administrative expenses, the decrease in financing costs and the increase in other revenues during the current period compared to the same period of the previous year.

The nature of the auditor’s opinion Unmodified opinion
Reclassification of some comparative figures Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform to the classification used for the period ending on September 30, 2020.