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Saudi Advanced Industries Company (Saic) Board of Directors of invites shareholders to attend the Ordinary General Assembly meeting (first meeting) via modern technology.

  • Date : 2024-05-15
Element List Explanation
Introduction The Board of Directors of the Saudi Advanced Industries Company is pleased to invite shareholders to participate and vote in the Ordinary General Assembly meeting (the first and second meetings an hour after the first) on Tuesday 5 Dhu al-Hijjah1445AH, corresponding to 06-11-2024 AD, at 8:30 pm – via modern technology.
City and Location of the General Assembly’s Meeting Through modern technological means from the company’s main headquarters in Riyadh and using the Tadawulaty platform.
Hyperlink of the Meeting Location Click Here
Date of the General Assembly’s Meeting 2024-06-11 Corresponding to 1445-12-05
Time of the General Assembly’s Meeting 20:30
Methodology of Convening the General Assembly’s Meeting Via modern technology means
Attendance Eligibility, Registration Eligibility, and Voting End The right to attend shall be for shareholders registered in the register of shareholders of the issuer at the Depository Center at the end of the trading session that precedes the General Assembly meeting and in accordance with the rules and regulations. The right to register attendance for the Assembly meeting ends at the time of the Assembly meeting, and the right to vote on the Assembly items for those present ends when the screening committee finishes categorizing voices
Quorum for Convening the General Assembly’s Meeting The ordinary general assembly meeting will be valid if it is attended by shareholders representing at least 25% of the company’s shares that have voting rights. If the quorum necessary to hold the meeting is not available, the second meeting will be held one hour after the end of the period specified for holding the first meeting. In all cases, the second meeting will be valid whatever the number of shares represented in it.
General Assembly Meeting Agenda attached
Proxy Form
The shareholder right in discussing the assembly agenda topics, asking questions, and exercising the voting right Shareholders registered in Tadawulaty services will be able to vote remotely on the assembly’s items starting from one o’clock in the morning on Friday 1 Dhul Hijjah 1445 AH corresponding to 7/6/2024 AD until the end of the meeting time. Registration and voting in Tadawulaty services will be available and free of charge to all shareholders using the following link.: https://www.tadawulaty.com.sa


The present shareholders also have the right to discuss the topics on the agenda and ask questions.

Details of the electronic voting on the Assembly’s agenda The right to register attendance at the association meeting ends at the time of the association meeting. The right to vote on the assembly’s items for those present ends when the counting committee finishes counting the votes
Method of Communication in Case of Any Enquiries In case of any questions or inquiries, feel free to contact the numbers shown below:

Phone No. 0114789840

Fax No. 0114776193


Via the email :saiccom@saic.com.sa

Attached Documents